Data Structure and Algorithm Design and Efficiency

        When learning to program, it is essential to understand how to apply algorithmic design and data structure techniques to develop a structured program. An algorithm is a set of instructions that mandates how data will be manipulated to solve a problem or task (UT, n.d.). In contrast, a data structure implements the storage, organization, and retrieval of data (Ianurag, 2023). Figure 1 depicts the difference between algorithms and data structures (Ianurag, 2023). Data structures and algorithms are typically used together as storing data to be implemented in an algorithm may be necessary.

Figure 1

Difference between Data Structures and Algorithms

            When designing a program, the data structure or algorithm choice usually depends on the task's requirements. While several solutions may work, some may be more efficient than others. When choosing a data structure, it is crucial to understand the relationship that the framework of the data structure will provide. Some examples may be that data in a queue will have a first-in-first-out structure, data in a stack will have a first-in-last-out structure, and data in a hash table will be retrieved by a key-value pair (Shaffer, 2013). The rigid framework of most data structures helps make the selection choice more decisive.

The complexity of the algorithm defines algorithm efficiency. Time and space complexity is a standard used to measure this efficiency. Time complexity is the number of steps to complete the algorithm. In comparison, space complexity determines the amount of storage required to process the algorithm with respect to the input size (University of Cape Town, 2014). When considering the time and space complexity of an algorithm, it is typically to evaluate the asymptotic complexity of the algorithm. Asymptotic complexity is the algorithm's behavior as n (number of inputs) goes to a specific value (such as infinity) (Shaffer, 2013). The big O notation may measure asymptotic complexity. The big O notation evaluates the worst-case scenario of an algorithm based on the highest order with respect to the input. The Complexity Analysis gives an excellent example of selection sort defined by time and space complexity as evaluated by big O notation.

To better understand algorithm efficiency, consider the choice of recursion versus iteration. Several problems or tasks may be solved using either technique, so why choose one over the other? Figures 2 and 3 depict the differences between recursion and iteration (Dkp1903, 2023). When considering the asymptotic complexity of recursion and iteration, iteration offers a lower time and space complexity for a large value of n. Follow the links to understand further how the big O notation is used to evaluate recursion and iteration (My Code School, 2012) (Techdose, 2020).

Figure 2

Recursion versus Iteration

Figure 3

Recursion versus Iteration Continued

            While it may appear that iteration should always be the optimal choice, why do we use recursion? Two design goals of an algorithm are said to be: 1.) easy to understand, code, and debug. 2.) to efficiently use a computer’s resources (Shaffer, 2013). Recursion is done with less code and is considered easier to debug and read than iteration. Some problems are also naturally recursive, making recursion the ideal method of execution (Kartikgoel, 2023). When implementing an algorithm (especially with a small n value), recursion may be a more desirable choice than iteration. This example highlights that it is the programmer's choice of designing and implementing an algorithm but creating the most efficient algorithmic design requires intimate knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Furthermore, a programmer needs to assess the specific requirements of the task and the dataset. While it is said that the two goals of algorithm design may sometimes be contradictory, it is the programmer's job to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the choice implementation (Shaffer, 2013). Understanding data structure and algorithms, analyzing which choices are best suited for the task at hand, implementing the selected criteria, and testing the code vigorously will ensure success for any new programmer.


Dkp1903. (2023, May 22). Difference between Recursion and Iteration. [Infographic] Geeks for

Geeks. Difference between Recursion and Iteration - GeeksforGeeks

Ianurag. (2023, April 3). Difference between Data Structures and Algorithms. [Infographic].

Geeks for Geeks. Difference between Data Structures and Algorithms - GeeksforGeeks

Kartikgoel. (2023, May 20). Recursion in Java. Geeks for Geeks.

Recursion in Java - GeeksforGeeks

My Code School. (2012, October 10). Time and Space Complexity Analysis of Recursive

Programs – Using Factorial. YouTube.

Shaffer, C. A. (2013). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Edition 3.2). Retrieved from

Techdose. (2020, February 3). Finding Time Complexity of Iterative Programs | Part – 1.


University of Cape Town. (2014). Sorting, Searching, and Algorithm Analysis. Retrieved from

University of Texas. (n.d.). Complexity Analysis. University of Texas.Data Structures: Lecture 2        (


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